Trending Of How Far Apart Should Floor Joists Be For A Shed Free Download. Spacing joists in your shed 16-inches on center will give you a firmer feel with less bounce and increase the load capacity of the floor. This means from the center of one upright joist to the center of the next.
Inches between each joist. And support a floor by spanning at least a metre or more between supports. In many circumstances 16 inches would be your standard spacing for shed floor joist but this is just a rough guideline.
Two options that arise could be your wider 24 and your narrower 12 options for spacing.
While you may be OK with the joist span at 24 inches the floor will be maxed out to the limits. A shed floor that has floor joists that are spaced 16. I used three 4x4x12 and spaced the floor joists on 16. Inches wide it works out to be 14-.