5 Best Of Are 2x4 Trusses Ok Best Images PNG. These appear to be about 2 spacing which may be ok depending on the rating of the OSB. In fact using 2x4s can be cheaper AND more efficient as far as insulation goes.

Remodeling an old house that has 24 roof rafters 4 on center- rafters are close to 12 long with 16 trusses 16 king post type there is NO ridge boardCeiling joists are 26 4 on center that span 19. A truss is designed for a specific function to carry a specified deadlive load over a specific span. For roofs that wont experience heavy snow loads a gable roof can span up to 22 with 24 rafters.
There was drywall nailed directly to the bottom 2x4 of the trusses at one time I.
1395 a foot 12-40 1595 a foot 42-60 All Lean ToShed Trusses 112 Pitch. OSB is to be installed with the long dimension parallel with the span ie perpendicular to the supports - just like plywood is. Sep 18 2012 The span for the OSB in this case would not be determined by the truss spacing but by what I will call the 2x4 purlins. OC for a 12 foot wall will add only 6 extra 2x4s or 3 extra if you buy 10 foot lengths for the rafters and 6 extra 2x4s for studs if you use only a single layer top plate on the bearing walls.